A loan of $216 helped to expand the business of motorcycle spare parts.
As the sole bread-earner for his family, Rizwan Rasheed is a deserving applicant from Lahore. Rizwan’s life fell apart when his father, who was otherwise healthy, had a paralysis attack. Seeing his father suffer every day, Rizwan knew he had to earn more to meet his father’s medical bills. He did a motorbikes spare parts business by purchasing the stock on wholesale and selling it further to accessories’ store and workshops for motorcycles. As his income proved to be insufficient, his family suffered due to poverty. His household expenses couldn’t be met, and their household conditions deteriorated. Rizwan was going through constant stress as he could not see a way forward. Rizwan then came across Seed Out through a rickshaw advertisement and immediately applied for a loan. He was pleased with Seed Out’s provision of interest-free loans for businesses to the needy. Rizwan requested a loan of $216 to expand his small business of bike spare parts. He intends to purchase a large and varied stock of spare parts from wholesalers and sell them to his clientele. With this loan, his income will be significantly increased, and he will be able to get proper treatment for his father. Moreover, this will bring ease to him in covering his household expenses.
It helps a person pay for his father's medical bills and improve his household conditions.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
Nov 19,2019