A loan of $360 helped to provide investment to a poor cloth business owner for his business expansion.

'Poverty is the worst form of violence.' - Mahatma Gandhi. Help SEED OUT eradicate it! one family at a time.

In the symphony of ambition, every note played in harmony contributes to the melody of progress. Mr. Naeem, at 55, embodies the resilience of the human spirit, navigating the challenges of limited resources to sustain his clothing shop for two decades.

However, the current discordant note is the dwindling stock, limiting the potential for growth and prosperity. Your donations can be the tune that restores harmony to Mr. Naeem's business, allowing it to flourish.

Join SEED OUT in orchestrating positive change. Your contribution is not just a financial offering; it's a key that can unlock new opportunities for Mr. Naeem and his family. Donate now to help replenish his stock and fortify the foundations of his business.

Enables a hard-working father to be financially sufficient for his family.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Faisalabad


Projects fundraising in Faisalabad


Project raised in Faisalabad

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Feb 09,2024