A loan of $252 helped expand a grocery store.

48-year-old Imran Afzal from Faisalabad has just started his grocery store. He is also working as a tailor of ladies clothes but his income is extremely low and not enough to take care of his family. He just had 15,000 in savings that he used in opening his grocery store. Afzal has 3 children, his sons go to a government school whereas has his daughter attends a government college. 

Expansion of the grocery store is very important for Imran so that he can take better care of his family. He wants to add more stock and increase his sales. For this purpose, he has requested a loan of $252 from Seed Out, and is very hopeful that this will bring him prosperity.

Please donate to Afzal who is single-handedly taking care of his family.



Average annual income


Funds donated in Faisalabad


Projects fundraising in Faisalabad


Project raised in Faisalabad

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.80
Disbursed date:
Jun 17,2021