A loan of $360 helped expand a spice and dry fruit business.

Asif Iqbal Bhatti from Lahore is an inspiration for those people who are not satisfied with what they are doing in life and have a desire to do something bigger and something better. Asif started his career as an office boy and did this job for 4 years. During this time, his urge to start his own business and see it grow kept getting stronger and stronger. As an office boy, his income did not allow him to properly take care of his wife and his aging parents. Then, his daughter was born. Asif did not have money to pay for her wife's and baby's medical expenses. This was the breaking point for Asif. He quit his job and decided this is the time to change his fate. Asif teamed up with his brother and the two of them started a small business of selling dry fruits and spices. 

His life improved, and Asif realized this is the business he must give all his time and effort to. Asif wanted to expand it and he approached Seed Out for a loan. He made excellent use of the investment and saw his business grow. Asif is an honest man who always deposited his installments on time. His business is proving to be a blessing for him and his brother and the duo now wants to expand it further. The business has improved life for Asif, but still much more needs to be achieved. Asif has requested a loan of $360 to further expand his business. 

Seed Out is delighted to see its entrepreneurs do well in life and is always supportive of their success. Asif's hard work and dedication has been inspirational, and we want to support him further and see the smile on his childrens face. Support Asif and become the reason for your fellow citizen's success. 


Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 14.40
Disbursed date:
Jan 11,2020