A loan of $216 helped expand a grocery store.

The mother of two adorable children, Farhat Parveen sees a bright future ahead of them but her circumstances, unfortunately, do not allow her dreams to be fulfilled. She loves her children and has dreams for her children as any mother would. Farhat Parveen is a widow. She was devastated when she lost her husband but picked up courage for the sake of her children.  She has a small grocery store from which she runs her household and feeds the empty bellies of her children by sacrificing her own. Razia's struggle to run her household has been relentless and brave with a small-scale general store in a small corner of her home. Her store is small hence it makes a very small amount of money for the future and education of her children. She wants them to never have to struggle for their survival as she has seen herself go through. Her store is located on an ideal location, however, she is unable to save any money for extending the store or buying more material to create more demand of her products. She hopes to expand the doors of her store and increase the amount of goods available so that she can collect some savings for the health of her family. For this, she requires a loan of $216. Razia Bibi’s tireless and inexhaustible effort is proof that she is capable of constructing a better and more bright future for her family.


Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
Feb 24,2020