A loan of $936 helped to upgrade to loader rickshaw from a donkey cart.
Zulfiqar Ali is a hardworking man who has spent most of his life fulfilling his family’s needs. He is a needy person from Lahore who lives in deplorable conditions and we can only empathize with how difficult it is for him to manage each day. Zulfiqar has a donkey cart which allows him to transport goods from one place to another. He is doing his job for the past 15 years and only earns a limited amount. His income was never enough even to send his children to school. When his sons grew old enough, they immediately took up jobs to support the household income. Zulfiqar’s wife, Sadiqa, works as a domestic worker to financially support her husband. The family has had many problems but now through Seed Out’s help, Zulfiqar wants to put an end to them. He also wants to free the donkey from all the hard work and labor it carries out each day. He has requested a loan of $936 to buy a loader rickshaw. Getting a loader rickshaw will have a considerable impact on his work; he will earn better income. Most importantly, he will be able to carry out more deliveries and make more money. This will also allow the animal to stay protected.
It helps increase the income of a hardworking person and save his donkey from strenuous activity.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 21.60
Disbursed date:
Nov 06,2020