A loan of $252 helped Naila to expand her general store and support her husband.
Naila Shahzadi, a 25-year-old single woman is very hard working and does not want her family to suffer financially. Holding a graduation degree, she still helps her mother to run a general store in order to meet the expenses of her household. Increased inflation and expenses has left Naila’s family helpless and as each day passes, her family goes deeper into poverty. Naila, being an ambitious woman, wants to earn more income so that her family is able to escape the daily struggle of impoverished life. Naila works full time with 2 jobs where she supports her mother to run a general store and secondly she stitches female clothes in order to earn extra money. Working at two jobs is tiring for her but she does not give up. Due to very old age, Naila’s grandfather is suffering from a number of illnesses. His treatment costs are almost more than half of the money Naila earns which makes managing the expenses worse. In order to contribute to the household expenses, Naila’s younger brother also works at a plastic factory. All these expenses have made their lives sorrowful and depressing. Naila has requested a loan of $252 from Seed Out to expand her grocery store business. She will purchase more amount of eatables, juices and other snacks to increase her stock. This will increase the sales of her store leading to better revenue and more income. Naila will utilize this income to improve her family’s livelihood. She will be able to provide better medical services for her grandfather and her family will be able to escape the impoverished lifestyle.
It helps a female entrepreneur expand her business and provide better living and healthcare for her family.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.80
Disbursed date:
Jul 05,2019