A loan of PKR 100,000 helped Muhammad Shabeer to buy his own Livestock.
Muhammad Shabeer is 42 years old. He is married and lives in Gujranwala. He has five school going children. Muhammad Shabeer is currently working with a partner. He loads and unloads goods on livestock for transportation. However, he does not own the livestock. The income is divided 1:2 between him and his partner, his partner earning more than him. Shabeer’s family has grown. Such a minimal share of income is not enough for him. He is trying to educate all his children. He needs enough finance to not only pay for their education but also pay for their food and other necessities. Shabeer wishes to buy his own livestock so he doesn’t have to share his income. Shabeer requires an interest free loan of PKR 100,000 to buy his own livestock. He is worried that his children will not get the education they deserve if he continues to work in a partnership. Shabeer needs your aid. Help him today so his children can have a better tomorrow. 
Muhammad Shabeer is 42 years old. He is married and lives in Gujranwala. He has five school going children. Muhammad Shabeer is currently working with a partner. He loads and unloads goods on livestock for transportation. However, he does not own the livestock. The income is divided 1:2 between him and his partner, his partner earning more than him. Shabeer’s family has grown. Such a minimal share of income is not enough for him. He is trying to educate all his children. He needs enough finance to not only pay for their education but also pay for their food and other necessities. Shabeer wishes to buy his own livestock so he doesn’t have to share his income. Shabeer requires an interest free loan of [LOAN_AMOUNT] to buy his own livestock. He is worried that his children will not get the education they deserve if he continues to work in a partnership. Shabeer needs your aid. Help him today so his children can have a better tomorrow. 
Contributing donors (1)
PKR 452,500

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
PKR 3000.00
Disbursed date:
Dec 07,2017