A loan of $540 helped Muhammad Zahid to expand his stock of eatables for sale.
For 25 year old Muhammad Zahid, the only thing that stands between him and his desire to set his foothold in the world of retail is a lack of funds. Currently unemployed and living with his differently abled mother and sister in a small house in Lahore, Zahid is no stranger to the ways in which businesses operate. Having worked as a branch manager of a local business for 7 years, and directed marketing operations for 4 years, he feels confident in his abilities of turning his experience of more than a decade into a new entrepreneurial venture - the sale of bottles and Lays to local retailers at prices that can benefit both parties.  Known to his coworkers and reputable members of his locality as an honest, driven young man, Muhammad Zahid believes his personal profile qualifies him for a microloan to jumpstart his career as a young entrepreneur. A small loan would enable him to get all the logistics of his business idea in order. Not only will this business help him to escape the deathtrap of unemployment and earn enough to cover living expenses in his home, but it will also allow him to earn enough to support his handicapped mother and sister and help them get the care and attention they deserve. 

A small social investment can give Muhammad Zahid the encouragment he needs to set up a lucrative business

Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 14.40
Disbursed date:
Aug 30,2017