A loan of $216 helped to provide investment to an individual for a business expansion.

A life of poverty is the worst a human being can experience. For you, it may be about fulfilling your dreams but for some, it is all about surviving another day. SEED OUT digs out and helps such families surviving under severe poverty in order to empower them. We discover, study, authenticate and ultimately bring these cases to you for suitable financial aid. However, this aid is not mere charity but a business investment to help empower them and become self-sufficient. Won't you help SEED OUT empower Pakistan? Mr. Rizwan here is an extremely hard-working young man. He has been running a welding shop for the past 12 years, thriving each day to make his ends meet. Things were going well but unfortunately, the abrupt rise in inflation and the political instability in our country has given a big blow to his business, he now needs the help of his society to support him. Help this man fight poverty and provide his family with the best.  The best of charity is the one that empowers and what can be a more deserving person for empowerment than the one who is progressive? Your donation may not bring a change in your daily routine but for this family, it will be a life-altering matter. Donate now!

empowers a man to feed his family.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 12.60
Disbursed date:
Feb 02,2023