A loan of $180 helped to expand business.

52 years old- Muhammad Nadeem runs a small-scale chicken shop in Gujranawala. He is a responsible father of four children (two sons & two daughters), and the only breadwinner of his family. He has been struggling for the past 20 years in selling chicken, he also has 10 years experience of driving. Along with selling chicken, he wants to expand his business by adding fruits and vegetables. It is quite difficult for him to meet the expenditures, which is why expansion is the only way. He is working with devotion and is hopeful that by enhancing his business, it will become easy for him to fulfill the needs of his family. But it requires investment and for that, Nadeem has applied for Seed Out’s interest-free loan. Your donation helps to improve the lives of people, please donate!


It helps a person to fulfill his family's expenses.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.56
Disbursed date:
Nov 12,2021