Noor Jahan expanded her general store and became a successful micro-entrepreneur. She is raising 4 grand-daughters and changing the lives of everyone around her.
Noor Jahan is an old but courageous and hardworking women residing in slum of Township area of Lahore. While at the age over 60, she is not taking rest at home. But her circumstances left her with no choice except for fighting for the family survival. Out of two sons, one who is deaf and a divorced daughter is living with her. Moreover, the responsibility of her divorced daughter and her child is also on Noor Jahan’s weak shoulders. She had two choices; starting begging door to door to support such a huge family size or fighting for their prosperity. And whether to see her health or to see survival of the family, at large. So she started a store which is too meager because of very little investment, she could raise. Due to shortage of stock, her net income a month is not mor. Unlike most of the micro finance institutions, the approach at Seed Out is not lend to young people only to secure portfolios but to serve the most deserving ones. Noor Jahan does find a competition in her very close vicinity and neighborhood but could not compete due to insufficient stock and if she is provided by the sufficient stock, the women of the area claim to be the customer of her only. For meeting her competitive requirements and raising her income to a scale. Seeing her potential at this age, willingness to bring in change, eagerness to compete, zeal for the long term growth, a small contribution of $108. She does expect that the investment of whole day work and times at her such a so called general store, she deserve to earn better with prosperity. As a future prospects, her neighboring women do find satisfaction for the purchase of ladies related products at ease through her. She can become an effective role model and her success can create a value chain in community
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 4.50
Disbursed date:
Oct 01,2015