A loan of $180 helped expand a vegetable shop.

47-year-old Syed Ansar Ali Shah loves his wife and 3 children. He says that they are all his responsibility and that he wants to work very hard in order to make sure that all of their needs are getting fulfilled. Ansar has 2 daughters and a son. Not only does he send all to school, but takes special interest in their studies so that they may perform well in school. Ansar worked in a firm for 15 years. However, his salary was very low and it was extremely difficult for him to run his household. Despite this, he managed to save a little. A year ago, using his life savings and with the help of a loan from friends, he started his own vegetable shop.  Although at a very small scale at present, the shop has improved his income and he sees an opportunity for growth. Currently, Ansar is able to earn around Rs 17,000 from this business. He now wants to diversify his business by adding grocery store items. Full of hope for a better life for his children, he has approached Seed Out for a loan of $180 so that he can grow his business! This will be a life-changing investment for Ansar and allow him to provide for his children with the best of his abilities. Ansar is full of hope and so are his children. They are eagerly looking towards your help. Any amount of donation matters in impacting lives! Please support Ansar in strengthening his livelihood.


Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.56
Disbursed date:
Feb 12,2021