A loan of $216 helped expand a general store.

Riaz Ali is a poor man. He runs a small general store to earn a living, from which he meets the needs of his wife, son and daughter. His son studies in university and is in the 4th year of his studies. His daughter is 24 years of age. Riaz only has Rs. 50,000 worth of stock in his general store and he is only able to earn a profit of Rs. 15,000 to 18,000 per month. One can easily imagine how difficult life can be in such a low income. Riaz also wants to get his daughter married soon and is worried since he does not have any savings. Riaz is desperate to increase his income and thus wants to invest in his store to increase the quantity and variety of his stock. His sales are sure to increase once he expands the store. Let's donate to Riaz Ali. The wellbeing of his children is tied to his income from the store, lets play our part in brightening their future.


Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.80
Disbursed date:
Jan 23,2021