A loan of $216 helped start a cold-drinks business.

Muhammad Khalid has been trying very hard to improve his income. He has worked as a salesman, a helper in a restaurant and recently quit his job as a worker in Pepsi factory. He has been trying out various jobs as he has 4 young children to look after; 3 daughters and a son. His youngest daughter is only 9 months old and the elder children all go to a government school and a tuition center. 

Khalid is a young man himself and realizes that his children have their whole lives ahead of them. Their well-being is dependent on him earning a decent amount. With this in mind, he quit his job as it was not paying him well and now wants to start own his business for a greater income. He plans to start a cold corner as he already has experience working in the Pepsi factory. Khalid is confident that this business will run well and improve his financial status. 

To start his business, Khalid has requested a loan of $216 from Seed Out. He also plans to save for the future. The earlier he begins, the greater are the life prospects for his 4 lovely children. Donate to Muhammad Khalid to create a happy life for his children!


Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
Jan 23,2021