A loan of $180 helped to expand a horseshoe manufacturing business.
Waheed is currently living in Gujrawala. He has a household of 4 people to support. His wife and 3 small children, who all are school going. His expertise are in horse shoe making and is very determined and hardworking. But without any funds he is unable to get any material to start his own horse shoe making. Waheed wants to buy his own material to start his shoe making, currently he buys the material on credit which is not sufficient to meet his expenses. With donations of $180 Waheed would be able to start his own shoe business. Help this man run his household smoothly with your generous donations

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.56
Disbursed date:
Dec 07,2015