A loan of $540 helped buy an auto-rickshaw.

52-year-old Tariq has left no stone unturned to be a good husband and a good father. Tariq's life has been a struggle and a story of grit and perseverance. He has 4 adorable children to take care of; his eldest daughter who is pursuing education at the college level, his son, Zain, who works at a call center to support the family, and two younger children who go to school. 

Tariq is disabled from his left leg; he received serious injuries due to a traffic accident. He does not have a home; for the past 5 years, he has been living in a Church's guest room. He faces many difficulties but never gives up. Tariq started his career as a welder and later worked for 9 years as a salesman in a garments shop, He has also given 17 years of his life working at a university's bookshop. 3 years ago, Tariq realized he would never earn adequate money by doing ordinary jobs. He tried out driving a rickshaw and it somewhat worked. Although his income potential could be much higher with a rickshaw butat the moment Tariq drives it on rent; the rental payments eat up the major part of his income. Tariq believes his income will significantly improve if he has his own rickshaw. And that is why he has approached Seed Out for a loan of $540 for an auto-rickshaw. He is excited that it is interest-free and he will not have to ask anyone for help but instead return the amount after earning it the hard way. Tariq rightfully deserves your help. Please fund to his business to bring a smile on his children's and wife's faces. 

Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 21.60
Disbursed date:
Jan 27,2020