A loan of $108 helped expand a clothing business.

Huma Sami lives in a small rented house in Lahore with her 3 children. Her children do not have a father; he died a few years ago leaving Huma alone to raise the children, including their youngest daughter who was just an infant at that time. Huma was devastated as she did not know what to do. In her state of grief, she could think of no option. However, Huma was fortunate in the sense that she had supportive in-laws. After her husband's death, her inlaws have financially supported Huma so that the children do not suffer. Once Huma had come to terms with her situation, she realized that she will have to start working to support her children. After all, till how long will her inlaws be able to support her? 

Once Huma had decided she would never let her children feel like they would have been financially better off if their father was alive, she started to start her own clothing business. She started taking orders from clients and selling ladies' clothes, bedsheets and blankets, etc. Huma has slowly and gradually started to feel that that day is not far when she will be financially stable. All she needs to do is a lot of hard work and financial assistance to expand her business. Huma has applied for a loan of $108 from Seed Out. It is relief for her that it is interest-free. Huma is extremely hopeful that the infusion of more stock will greatly benefit her business. As a single mother, Huma is doing everything for her children. Your donation will be a great blessing for Huma and her children. Please support this determined woman in fulfilling her children's wishes. 


Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 5.40
Disbursed date:
May 23,2020