A loan of $216 helped expand a tailoring shop.
It is hard to even imagine the burden of taking care of a large family in a limited income, but 24-year old Mirza Muzafar ul Hassan has done it with hard work and a smile on his face. Mirza and his aging father, who works as a driver in a university, are the only 2 members who are financially supporting the household. Mirza is married and has two young children. His mother and two brothers live with him, one of whom is disabled from his legs and arms. The other brother is struggling financially and is currently unable to support the family. Mirza is a talented tailor who worked in a boutique for 7 years and has recently started his own tailoring business for ladies’ garments. To run the business, he requires more machines and has thus requested a loan of $216 to get them. This will boost his business and his earning will increase by a decent amount. We earnestly want to help Mirza as he is talented and possesses the skillset to earn more, but is unable to do so because of financial limitations. Let’s donate to the hardworking and talented Mirza so he can keep supporting his family.
it helps a talented person to expand his business and support his large family.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 10.80
Disbursed date:
Nov 19,2019