A loan of $378 helped buy an auto-rickshaw.
50-year-old Maqbool Hussain from Lahore is a very poor man. He has been driving an auto-rickshaw for the past 25 children in order to feed his 6 children but these days, sadly, he is jobles. He lives in one rented room with his family which has been provided to him by his relatives. All his children go to a government school since the cost of not getting an education seemed too high to Maqbool; he wants to get them a decent education and do better in life that he did. The rickshaw that Maqbool Hussain used to drive was old and he had to pay Rs.4000/month as rent for it, which used to consume must of his income. Now, the rickshaw is not in good shape and cannot be driven. Very tired of his circumstances, Maqbool has approached Seed Out for a loan of $378 so he can get his own rickshaw. This will be a great blessing for his family of 8, all of whom depend on him for an income. It will alleviate the tough conditions that they are living in. We must support Maqbool Hussain so that he is able to set life straight for his 6 children and his wife.
It helps to create a better future for 6 children.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Nov 19,2019