A loan of $792 helped to buy a loader rickshaw to switch from a donkey cart.
Seed Out intends to save hundreds of donkeys from harsh labor in Pakistan. The news of Seed Out’s initiative to upgrade mode of transportation of donkey carts to loader rickshaw has reached several needy people in Pakistan. Abdul Ghaffar is amongst those people who want a micro-loan from Seed Out to purchase a loader rickshaw. Ghaffar was in the process of finding better business opportunities, but due to insufficient finances, he had to rely on his donkey cart to earn a living. Ghaffar was worried about his business as his donkey is getting old. The donkey did not remain as efficient as before, which has led to a reduction in Ghaffar’s income. Seed Out’s assistance to protect animals from harsh labor benefits Ghaffar in both ways; he gets a loan to upgrade to a loader rickshaw and also earns from selling his donkey. He has requested a loan of $792 to buy a new loader rickshaw. With the new loader rickshaw, he will be able to transport many goods in a single day. Most importantly, he would save time and earn more by carrying out more deliveries, providing a better livelihood to his family.
It helps protect the rights of an animal and improve a family's livelihood.
Contributing donors (1)

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 21.60
Disbursed date:
Oct 16,2019