A loan of $180 helped to start a general store business.
Waris Masih and his family are living a harsh life in poverty. For so many years in his life, he worked as a sweeper in a public hospital and then retired. He receives a small amount of pension, which is not enough to run any household. After some time, with the small amount of savings he had, he got built a proper general store with racks and shelves. Unfortunately, he could not buy inventory of the store as he was hit with a financial crunch during that period. Currently, the store he developed is shut down. Due to extreme financial problems, none of Waris’ five children attend school or college, which is very unfortunate. Secondly, one of his Waris’ son is working as a sweeper to contribute to household expenses. According to the neighborhood reports, our social mobilizers analyzed Waris is a well-reputed man in the community, but his financial situation is bad, and nobody is willing to help due to increased inflation. Luckily, Waris came across Seed Out and reached Seed Out for loan. He was pleased to request a loan of $180 to start his general store. He is committed to growing his business of general store once it kicks off. He can target a large number of customer base and earns a significant amount of income. He believes his financial situation will improve, and his family will get a better livelihood. Donate to Waris to make him a successful entrepreneur!
It helps a person turn into a successful entrepreneur and provide his family with a decent livelihood.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.56
Disbursed date:
Sep 06,2019