A loan of $756 helped Qaisar to buy an auto-rickshaw.
Qaisar Mehmood is a 53-year-old needy father who wants to provide the best for his family. Due to his recent unemployment, with each passing day their situation becomes worse. It is often frustrating for Qaiser to see his two beautiful daughters suffer in poverty and his 21-year-old son working rather than studying. Since, Qaiser has no means to earn a reasonable income. His wife, Naila, and son, Talha, are the ones managing the household expenses for now. However, their income is very limited and often proves to be insufficient. Previously, Qaiser used to drive an auto rickshaw in Gujranwala to make ends meet. Qaiser believes he can earn a reasonable income from driving an auto-rickshaw and fulfill the household expenses of the family. Qaiser has sought help from Seed Out. He has requested a loan of $756 to purchase an auto-rickshaw. He will maximize the output from a new auto-rickshaw and will drive greater number of customers in a day to earn enough money. Qaiser will be able to manage the rent of the house and pay his daughters' tuition fees easily. Through your donations, Qaiser and his family's lives would be changed for the better.
It helps a person manage the household expense with ease.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Aug 10,2019