A loan of $180 helped to start a grocery store.
Shamroz Sabir belongs to a low-income household in Lahore. On a daily basis, Shamroz faces several financial problems in order to provide for his family. 27-year-old Shamroz has considerable experience in running a grocery store. As life in Lahore is tougher compared to other cities, Shamroz is unable to manage his household expenses. After his marriage, his responsibilities have doubled. He is a father of two kids and each kid has his needs to be fulfilled. Seed Out probed Shamroz’s problems and identified him as a needy person. Our efficient team of social mobilizers found out that Shamroz is a hard-working person having very good relations with everyone in the community. It was also concluded by Seed Out that if Shamroz is provided a loan of $180 to purchase inventory for his grocery store, he will be able to earn a reasonable amount. Despite having less stock, our team at the field noted that the footfall on Shamroz’s shop is immense. If you believe in supporting a potential entrepreneur to reach his goals, then donate for Shamroz. Your donation can help his business grow, increase his profit margins and provide a decent livelihood to his family.
It helps a potential entrepreneur grow and provide a decent livelihood to his family.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Lahore


Projects fundraising in Lahore


Project raised in Lahore

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 7.20
Disbursed date:
Aug 08,2019