A small contribution of $126 helped Muhammad Tariq to Repair his Rickshaw Body
Muhammad Tariq is 36 years old married man living in Gujranwala, Pakistan. He is a father of 7 young children. His children are at a school age and Tariq loves them more than anything in the world. Their comfort and happiness is his first priority. Despite wanting the best for his children, Tariq is never able to provide suitable facilities to his children. His hands are tied due to poverty and he desperately wants to get out of this helpless situation. Tariq is the sole bread winner for the family and currently drives an auto rickshaw. His rickshaw is in an extremely poor condition; the body is frail and it usually requires repairing. Passengers refuse to sit in his rickshaw because of its state. Tariq needs to get a new body for the rickshaw but his financial problems never allow him to do so. He believes if his rickshaw is in good condition he might be able to come out of poverty. He contacted Seed Out requesting for an interest free loan of $126. You can donate this amount, and it will be used get a new body for Muhammad Tariq’s rickshaw, allowing him to stand on his feet again.
Muhammad Tariq is 36 years old married man living in Gujranwala, Pakistan. He is a father of 7 young children. His children are at a school age and Tariq loves them more than anything in the world. Their comfort and happiness is his first priority. Despite wanting the best for his children, Tariq is never able to provide suitable facilities to his children. His hands are tied due to poverty and he desperately wants to get out of this helpless situation. Tariq is the sole bread winner for the family and currently drives an auto rickshaw. His rickshaw is in an extremely poor condition; the body is frail and it usually requires repairing. Passengers refuse to sit in his rickshaw because of its state. Tariq needs to get a new body for the rickshaw but his financial problems never allow him to do so. He believes if his rickshaw is in good condition he might be able to come out of poverty. He contacted Seed Out requesting for an interest free loan of [LOAN_AMOUNT]. You can donate this amount, and it will be used get a new body for Muhammad Tariq’s rickshaw, allowing him to stand on his feet again.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 5.40
Disbursed date:
Jul 16,2016