A loan of $108 started a general store.
Humera Yasir is a young and resilient mother of three who wants to provide her kids with the best of life. Wanting to support her husband in the household expenses, Humera intends to start her own business. As her kids are growing old, their needs are simultaneously increasing and making it tough for Humera and her husband, Yasir. Yasir works a fulltime job as a laborer and earns a limited amount of income to manage the household expenses. Since her kids are young and Humera is looking to earn some extra income, which not only fulfills her household demands, but she can save up for her kids’ education and other needs in the future. Previously having a little experience in running a general store, Humera wants to run her own now. Humera reached out to Seed Out for a loan of $108 to start her general store. She wants to invest money in setting up a store outside her house and sell to the customers in her local area. As Humera is a strong woman with dreams, Seed Out wants to fulfill her plans. With your generous donations, Seed Out’s team will set up a business for Humera and provide capacity building and skills development training to grow her business. Seed Out supports all such women who want to earn money to support their household. This not only empowers them but gives them the confidence to step out of their comfort zone and realize their abilities. Donate if you support Seed Out’s goals of empowering women.
It helps to empower a potential female entrepreneur and support her family.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 5.40
Disbursed date:
Sep 07,2019