A loan of $216 helped Muhammad Saleem to expand a grocery store.
Muhammad Saleem 50 is a self made man whose perseverance and hard work has rightly earned him respect of everyone around him. Born and brought up in rural Gujranwala, he hailed from a poor family, where hardships and problems came in big packages. Aware of these challenges he started working in a factory as a labor. Unable to cover his expenses he started a grocery store with a minimal capital. He makes many sacrifices for his family and loved ones to be able to give them everything he did not have. He has four daughters, three school going and one he is planning to marry. In order to have better earnings from his store, he is seeking a loan of $216 to be able to buy supplies to stock his business and he is grateful for the new opportunity he is receiving to be able to grow.
Muhammad Saleem 50 is a self made man whose perseverance and hard work has rightly earned him respect of everyone around him. Born and brought up in rural Gujranwala, he hailed from a poor family, where hardships and problems came in big packages. Aware of these challenges he started working in a factory as a labor. Unable to cover his expenses he started a grocery store with a minimal capital. He makes many sacrifices for his family and loved ones to be able to give them everything he did not have. He has four daughters, three school going and one he is planning to marry. In order to have better earnings from his store, he is seeking a loan of [LOAN_AMOUNT] to be able to buy supplies to stock his business and he is grateful for the new opportunity he is receiving to be able to grow.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
Feb 22,2017