A loan of $216 helped to expand undergarments and artificial jewelry business.
Muhammad Akram, a 45-year-old father has dedicated his life towards work in order to provide his three young boys a poverty free life. Every day, Akram aims to earn a bit more so that his children's needs are met. Running a small business in a semi urban locality of Bahwalnagar comes with good and bad days. With only a limited amount of stock present at his stall, the sale at Akram's shop mostly remains steady. Akram has been selling artificial jewellery and undergarments for the past 25 years and despite putting in continuous effort, his earnings were never enough to be saved. The income he earns is spent on paying the stall's rent, purchasing inventory and managing household expenses. Akram is proud that his kids are study-oriented and want to become successful in future. Currently, the kids attend public schools in the local area and has no fees. But what is worrisome for Akram is to save for their future. He expects to send his boys to the best universities in Pakistan so that they end up having a quality life and live in a better area. Akram has requested a micro loan of $216 in order to expand his business of undergarments and artificial jewellery. With the help of Seed Out's donation, he will purchase variety of artificial jewellery which he can sell to the local female customers. With an experience of 25 years, Akram is positive in expanding his business with the right investment. It will lead to increased sales and revenue and he will be able to save more. Akram will send his children to renowned universities in Pakistan so that they can earn a better living for themselves. He intends to provide them with better hygiene and healthcare.
It helps a father to save for his children’s higher education and give them a poverty free life.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Bahawalnagar


Projects fundraising in Bahawalnagar


Project raised in Bahawalnagar

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 9.00
Disbursed date:
Jun 01,2019