A contribution of $360 enabled Muhammad Suleman to buy more items for his general store.
Muhammad Suleman is a 37-years old divorcee. He has been running a general store business in his local area for the past 15 years. This experience has made him quite proficient in running this particular business. He lives in a 4 marla rented house in Gujranwala. His house has only 3 rooms with 2 families residing there. Surrounded with poor financial circumstances, Suleman wants a loan to help him expand his general store business by adding more products to his general store. He's barely making ends meet, therefore, he has been unable to save any money. This loan would help him save up some money. He is very optimistic despite the fact that he is handicapped due to polio infection. Even though his education is quiet basic which is only upto primary level, he is very hardworking and wants to better his financial condition. His regular customers are his neighbors and the local community. Suleman's neighbors have a very positive view about him. He is described by his neighbors as peaceful and honest. The only thing that can help this hardworking man to expand his shop and increase his financial state is a contribution, which we can make through donations by the platform of crowdfunding. He is confident that the contributions from Seed Out would help him achieve this goal.
This will help a handicapped person in a slum area leading to an overall social development.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 14.40
Disbursed date:
Mar 01,2019