A loan of $432 helped to start a photography business.
Umair Nawaz is twenty four years old and he lives in Gujranwala. Umair has completed twelve years of education. Apart from conventional education he has also learnt graphic designing and photography. This is an additional skill that he possess. He is extremely passionate about photography therefore, he wants to pursue it as a profession. He would need photography equipment for this. The only thing that holds him back is the lack of resources. His father passed away when he was quite young and since then his brother is the sole breadwinner of their household. His brother works for a bank and his income is utilised entirely at home to take care of his old mother and four siblings. Three siblings are in university and they do not contribute financially. Umair wants to share the financial burden by having a sustainable source of income but unfortunately he cannot. The only thing that can help this young man to be a photographer is a contribution which we can make through donations by the platform of crowdfunding.
It will motivate young entrepreneurs to start their own ventures and share the financial burden of their families.

Average annual income


Funds donated in Gujranwala


Projects fundraising in Gujranwala


Project raised in Gujranwala

Deserve for

Loan Length Months
Repayment schedule:
Installment per month:
$ 18.00
Disbursed date:
Mar 01,2019