Borrower application

If you have the skills but not enough resources,
we are here to share your burden. Interest free loan for entrepreneurs.


Why Seed Out is Unique

Borrower application

Apply for loan

Merit system

Find out if you’re eligible to become a beneficiary by filling out the online application.

Invite friends and family


Upto 15 Days

Prove your credit worthiness by inviting friends and family to donate.

Raise fund


Upto 50 Days

With visibility from over a million of people, watch as funds are raised by those who want to see you succeed.



Upto 36 Months

After fundraising, build your credit and customer base by paying off loans to donors.

Borrower application

Frequently Asked Questions

Unlike traditional bank loans, Seed Out doesn’t require for minimum credit score or years of cash flow documents.
Important aspects are :

  • Your business has to be within PAKISTAN.
  • You should be 18 and above.
  • You can only apply for a loan if you have an entrepreneurial idea. We DO NOT give out loans for any other purpose.
  • Any prohibited activity behind your entrepreneurial idea will not be tolerated.

You can directly visit us at our office.


You can fill out our application online in which you have to give all your basic details and your entrepreneurial idea. Once you fill out our application, we will contact you to get further in-depth information. After analyzing all your details and situation through our 7 step process of verification, the team of seed out will determine what loan amount you qualify for and will notify you for further details.

Seed Out will provide you with 20 days to get support of 15 to 30 family members or friends to kick start your fund raising campaign.

To succeed during your private fundraising period, we recommend these steps :

  1. Send out personalized emails to 15-30 people within your personal network.
  2. After emailing, try to call them in order to convince them.
  3. While reaching out to your network, try to clarify and emphasize on your vision and how this loan will make a positive impact on your business and life. Make sure that you let your network know that you will pay them back.

Seed Out is entirely cashless. We believe in setting up permanent source of income instead of just giving out hard cash directly. We help the underprivileged enhance their expertise and enable them to be an entrepreneur. We provide them with training and prepare them to be successful in their business endeavors.

If a person donates, the repayment of the donor stays for 5 days in his/her account and then eventually repayments are forwarded in the revolving fund to raise more entrepreneurs and the process repeats.