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What is Mawakhat in Islam

May 9, 2022
What is Mawakhat in Islam

Mawakhat meaning is Brotherhood and Solidarity in Islam. Mawakhat or Brotherhood with your neighbour or any other person means that one person takes the duty of providing the household necessities of another person. In other words, helping poor people of society by financial aid.

Mawakhat according to

The immigrants of Makkah and hosts of Median are the best example of Mawakhat or Brotherhood.

Brotherhood among the Sahaba refers to the time after the Hijra when the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H instituted brotherhood between the emigrants of Makkah and the natives of Medina, the Ansar (literally "helpers"). Muhammad P.B.U.H chose Ali as his own brother.

According to Sahi Muslim:


A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He does not oppress him, nor does he leave him at the mercy of others”


Mawakhat and Crowd Fund:

Muwakhat and Crowd Fund are similar according to their work nature. The Mawakhat program is likeQarz-e-Hasna” which literally means to help people in need through an interest-free loan. Mawakhat Program also provides the poor with interest-free loans so that they may acquire a livelihood, a skill to earn and fulfil their needs. Muwakhat is just like a Crowd Funding Program.

Seedout Crowd Fund Program:

Seedout is Pakistan first Crowd Fund Platform. Seed Out is a not for profit crowd funding platform which is working to end poverty by establishing micro-entrepreneurs through interest-free Micro Financing.

Seedout like Mawakhat program provide interest free loans to help poor people in order to start their businesses. Mawakhat Program was initiated with the objective of providing interest-free microcredit to needy and poor people to help them to start their own business, earn a respectable income and improve their standard of living. Seedout Microfinance Program is dedicated to improving the lives of the poor; those who are financially unstable and are in seek of an opportunity to find their way for a respectful earning.

Seedout Mawakhat Program

Seedout is not work under the name of Mawakhat Program but provide loans to ordinary people to start their business under the name of Crowd Fund Program. However, Mawakhat program is truly based on the Islamic values that provide the poor with interest-free loans so that they may get their living, skill to earn and support their needs to reach their full potential. Mawakhat Program is based on the principle of Qarze-e-Hasna, helping someone in time of need with providing interest free loans.

Objectives of Mawakhat

  • To provide and spread happiness to poor
  • To offer interest-free microfinance services to poor families and make them autonomous.
  • To promote interest-free loans (Qarz-e-Hasana) as a viable model and a broad-based resolution for poorness alleviation.
  • To offer social steering, capability building, and entrepreneurial coaching.
  • To institutionalise the spirit of brotherhood.
  • To contribute towards the institution of a socially accountable community through awareness, enrolment, and coaching.
  • To help spreading Brotherhood in Society

Bottom Line

Islam encourages Muslims to help each other because Muslims are like a family according to Holy Quran. An easy way to do so is through charitable organizations like Donate to Deserving People is Pakistan first Crowdfunding platform. Help SeedOut help Pakistan