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What is Fidya in Islam?

Apr 8, 2022
What is Fidya in Islam?

What is Fidya in Islam?

Fidya is veritably important in Islam. If someone in Ramadan can not fast due to illness, travelling or menstruation, they should make up the missed fasts when they're suitable to do so or get healthy.

Still, if they won't be suitable to make up missed fasts (due to old age or habitual illness that's doubtful to ameliorate) they should pay fidya for someone differently to be fed.

According to Quran: Surat Al-Baqarah 2:183  

[Fasting for] a limited number of days. So, whoever among you is ill or on a journey [during them] – then an equal number of days [are to be made up]. And upon those who are able [to fast, but with hardship] – a ransom [as substitute] of feeding a poor person [each day]. And whoever volunteers excess – it is better for him.

Who should pay fidya?

In the Hanafi Fiqa, fidya is only paid by a person who isn't suitable to fast in Ramadan, can not make up for the missed fasts at any other time and isn't anticipated to ever recapture the capability to make up the missed fasts. All three conditions must be fulfilled, else one doesn't pay fidya but has to make up the missed fasts.

Time Limit for Fast

There's no time limit for making up missed fasts in the Hanafi academy so fidya is only valid if a person has no stopgap of being suitable to make up the missed fasts in their continuance. This means that the following don't qualify to pay fidya.

 • One who accidentally or designedly broke their fast.

 • One who misses out on a many day of fasting due to a temporary illness

 • One who's unfit to fast this time due to surgery or the suchlike, but is anticipated to be suitable to fast coming time

Still, their fidya will be considered as charity and they must also make up the missed fasts, if one pays fidya allowing they won't have the health to make up missed fasts but also regains their health latterly in life.

Thus, in the Hanafi Fiqa, there's no fidya to be paid by a pregnant or nursing woman who misses fasts in Ramadan as she'll be suitable to make up the fasts latterly.

What amount you need to pay as Fidya?

There's some difference of opinion in the different Islamic Fiqa’s, on how much amount to paid as Fidya. Consult the scholars, if you're doubtful how important to pay. But still Fidya is an important source of donation like Zakat in Islam to help poor.

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